Single Stage
Paint rinse
Door jamb spraydown
Fuel door cleaning
Wheel well spraydown
Wheel hand cleaning
Soap foam
Wash mitt
Clay Bar (If needed)
Air blow dry
Tire shine
Both sides window cleaning
Finishing polish
From $800
Dual Stage
Paint rinse
Door jamb spraydown
Fuel door cleaning
Wheel well spraydown
Wheel hand cleaning
Soap foam
Wash mitt
Clay Bar (if needed)
Air blow dry
Tire shine
Both sides window cleaning
Medium cut polish
Finishing polish
From $1,300
Triple Stage
Paint rinse
Door jamb spraydown
Fuel door cleaning
Wheel well spraydown
Wheel hand cleaning
Soap foam
Wash mitt
Clay Bar (if needed)
Air blow dry
Tire shine
Both sides window cleaning
Heavy cut polish
Medium cut polish
Finishing polish
From $1,800
Please note that the pricing for correction options is provided as a "ballpark" estimate, as every correction job is unique. Final prices and service options will be determined only after Sargents Detail has inspected the vehicle in person. Depending on the specific condition of the vehicle, we may recommend a more or less aggressive correction option to ensure a perfect final result.
It is highly encouraged to add Paint Protection to a freshly Paint Corrected Vehicle. Adding protection in the same service will also result in a discount as compared to having this done in two separate services.
Have a small paint scuff that wasn't your fault? We will take care of it, free of charge.
*Conditions apply. Sargents detail reserves the right to refuse this free service upon their discretion*